I have a unique perception of what an idol is, after having been an “idol avoidant” all my life… even to the burning of family pictures. I took the letter of the Law very seriously.
Since my complete turn-about from religion, I have come to recognise the worship of an externalised God (which actually is a mental “image” or “idol” we have created for ourselves) as the actual IDOLATRY. I had sacrificed everything enjoyable on the altar to this “idol” in my head, and made my personal life a living hell of drudgery. Because I felt I was not allowed to take pleasure or joy in anything “too much”.
Now, that I have displaced the “idol” in my head and moved my affections to my HEART, I love everything. And this is because I am what is known as a “pantheist”, meaning that God is everything and all. Therefore, nothing exists that isn’t God… not even that statue in the picture. It too is made of the Consciousness that is God.