Monday, July 22, 2024

Speaking In Tongues Or Humming?

An interesting thought came to me when I saw the meme below. And as I am considering the practice of “Speaking in Tongues”, I am realising that it’s purpose is vibrational and intended to shift consciousness.

I eventually figured out that there was no special gifting to “speaking in tongues”… it was simply one means of getting out of the “thinking” Left Brain.

Humming and singing will achieve the same thing, if you find you can’t speak in tongues. It is all about vibrations and shifting from the logical left brain into the soul side of the right brain, where we access the intuitive or ’spirit’ side. Be filled with the Spirit means, come from the RIGHT side of your brain.

“And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord,” Ephesians 5:18,19


Wednesday, July 3, 2024

What is Idolatry?

I have a unique perception of what an idol is, after having been an “idol avoidant” all my life… even to the burning of family pictures. I took the letter of the Law very seriously.

Since my complete turn-about from religion, I have come to recognise the worship of an externalised God (which actually is a mental “image” or “idol” we have created for ourselves) as the actual IDOLATRY. I had sacrificed everything enjoyable on the altar to this “idol” in my head, and made my personal life a living hell of drudgery. Because I felt I was not allowed to take pleasure or joy in anything “too much”.

Now, that I have displaced the “idol” in my head and moved my affections to my HEART, I love everything. And this is because I am what is known as a “pantheist”, meaning that God is everything and all. Therefore, nothing exists that isn’t God… not even that statue in the picture. It too is made of the Consciousness that is God.
