Monday, June 24, 2024

Have I become an atheist?

I was pondering the “atheist” thing the other day, and thought to myself… I actually am atheist now. But then, I had to check out what the official definition of “theism” is… and here is one:

The belief or acknowledgement of the existence of a God, as opposed to atheism, pantheism, or polytheism.

I think what most atheists actually reject is the idea of the “big man in the sky”. And in that sense, I am definitely atheistic now, as I don’t believe GOD is a ‘person’.

If I had to adopt a label, it would definitely be pantheism which we can vaguely deduce from Ephesians 4:6, and of course it has a flaw in translation with the word ‘over’ not actually being in the original definition.

One God and Father of all, who is over upon all and through all and in all. Ephesians 4:6

Pantheism is the philosophical and religious belief that reality, the universe, and nature are identical to divinity or a supreme entity. The physical universe is thus understood as an immanent deity, still expanding and creating, which has existed since the beginning of time.

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