More insights on ego. And explaining a biblical passage so that it makes more sense.
"But if you have bitter jealousy (envy) and contention (rivalry, selfish ambition) in your hearts, do not pride yourselves on it and thus be in defiance of and false to the Truth." James 3:14
The root for this inflamed ego is trauma, and this is indisputable (in MY life, I have the proof ). The reason ego shows up in 'jealousy' and 'rivalry' is because as children we were not sufficiently nurtured. This has created a great and deep lack emotionally and psychologically in us, and Ego simply came in to fill that void.
Ego only knows to protect in "self defence"... defending the child soul that is lacking in the love and nurture it should have received.
This is why I advocate for shadow work or trauma work through Self Love.
This stunted part of our Soul needs to get it's fill of validation, acknowledgement, love and acceptance in order to 'bring down the fever' responses of Ego. Ego is not evil, and it does not act without legitimate cause... it's like an immune response that has gone rogue, such as an auto-immune disorder that begins to fight the body. Our immune system is not "evil" for giving us a fever, either. Although, modern medical science seems to think so.
When we remove the 'cause' (trauma wounds) the immune response of ego can slow down. Ego is part of what we currently are "here" in this world, and when we can learn to love it... it will integrate and start working properly.