I received a really interesting Youtube comment this morning and I offered some insights I would like to share as a FB post.
Youtube Commenter: Sorry to disagree, but it seems false to believe "you can do no wrong" "you are god" maybe I am oversimplifying ... I've tried that path, finding the divine in myself, and it was a dead-end both to comprehend reality, and to operate in it.
A fast reality check : did you create the Earth and Heavens ? If the world is a manifestation of spirits, some spirit must have created it. And what achievement do you put forth to justify being a god except inner feelings, and maybe some synchronicities and minor miracles that can come from a deceiver spirit?
There is a real God, and he's none of us - and that's for the better. If you pray to him to manifest himself, he will come slowly into your life, it happened to me as it is said in Matthew 7:7
And yes, there is right and wrong, there are actions that create suffering for you and for others those are called sins. You do need and depend on others and most of all depend on God. This path, even though not narcissistic is called spiritual bypassing (of reality) to cope with an unfair and unfulfilling world.
Don't set yourself up for Psalms 30:7 "O Lord, you made me as secure as a mountain, Then you turned away from me, and I was shattered." God does hide himself for good reasons. We are not anything close to his wisdom. I do write this with respect to your path. I have taken this path in the past as well. But I was rebuked harshly and shown otherwise.
My Response:
Thank you so much for your comment. I appreciate your courage to disagree and present me with some very legitimate and deep questions.
I would love to do my best to answer your queries, but in order for you to innerstand my answers, you would have to have experienced yourself in and as a multi dimensional being. Meaning, you know yourself as other than your mere earthly, human 3D avatar.
Let me try to offer you some insights to each of your questions.
Q: Did you create the Earth and Heavens ?
A: From which dimension would you like me to respond to this? From the 3D perspective, the answer is NO. But from the 9D perspective (knowing) it is YES.
Q: If the world is a manifestation of spirits, some spirit must have created it.
A: What are you? Ask yourself this question. What answer do you get, if any?
Ephesians 4:4 There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism; 6 one God and Father of all, who is on all and through all and in all.
Do you notice the repetitive word ONE? If there is only ONE everything, how did you get yourself separated from that? My simple answer to your question is, YOU are that Spirit. But we perceive this Spirit similar to a "fractal-ed" Prism of Light. The same Light appears as different colours. In the same way, the same One Spirit appears as different manifestations throughout the different dimensions. And in this dimension, the fractal of Spirit looks like a human being. (Think of Divinity/Jesus incarnating in flesh).
Q: And what achievement do you put forth to justify being a god except inner feelings, and maybe some synchronicities and minor miracles that can come from a deceiver spirit?
A: Allow me to repeat what I wrote above. There is only ONE Spirit as written in Ephesians 4. However, the multi-dimensional nature of manifestation gives us the perception and illusion that there are "many spirits", and deceptive spirits and Holy Spirits. That is the illusion we experience through our limited (veiled) 3D mind. I have had the experience of Twin Flame Union that has in an instance allowed me to see all dimensions and who I am in each one of them, all the way back to Source ("God").
Q: There is a real God, and he's none of us - and that's for the better.
A: Again, you are seeing from the 3D perception only. God is real and IT is all of us, on some level.
The rest of your comment, has to be answered through the lens of multi-dimensional awareness, which transcends the "duality" format of separateness.
Q: I do write this with respect to your path. I have taken this path in the past as well. But I was rebuked harshly and shown otherwise.
A: I so appreciate your vulnerability expressed. I do question the nature of "harshness" in your being rebuked. If I may take a guess at it, I would say that what you perceived to be a harsh rebuke from God, probably was a bleed through from your own subconscious mind and some of the trauma that drives our choices and behaviour.
What I know of God and unconditional love today is that there is no "harshness" ever coming from Source or Universe. We are the one's who condemn and reprimand ourselves harshly, because as children that is all most of us experienced from our guardians and parents. And this has become the subconscious voice in our head, we mistake for God.
I hope that some of my responses will be helpful for you and your journey! And I want to express my gratitude and appreciation for you once more.